IPStatus 1.1– pings a given destination (IPv4, IPv6 or website) and replies ping time and if is up or down. ATTENTION!!! IPv6 reply works only for those who have IPv6 active on their machine!! USAGE: !iping / / UPDATES/CHANGES:– Supports IPv6 (only for those who have ipv6 active on...
Author: BLaCkShaDoW
Version: 1.1
Downloads: 100
Added: 2022-09-19
Last Updated: N/A
IPStatus 1.1
– pings a given destination (IPv4, IPv6 or website) and replies ping time and if is up or down.
ATTENTION!!! IPv6 reply works only for those who have IPv6 active on their machine!!
USAGE: !iping / /
– Supports IPv6 (only for those who have ipv6 active on their machine!!)
– Multi-language support
To chose a different language .set ipslang